Saturday, October 31, 2009

beginning to mix work related content with the important stuff

So I began this web-log with intentions similar to those of most web-log authors: to chronicle the contents of my mustache. But it turns out my place of employment is looking to bring its employees into the world of what's mysteriously known as "Web 2.0". So it appears I'll be muddying up this blog with "content" and work-talk. I'm loathe to admit trepidation, and one would never guess such a feeling resides within me as they gaze at my robust mouth-sweater, alas, I admit trepidation. To make lists of what's stuck in my mustache, well that's a purpose second only to growing, maintaining and adulating the hair-umbrella above my talkhole. But to engage in a learning experience over the internet with colleagues...certainly not a task for the faint of stache.

also for the week ending 10/31
a wishbone, minimal gristle

October 25-October 31 addendum

pen cap

October 25-October 31

a small portion of bratwurst
two turkey feathers (removed immediately)
kite string
coupon for toothpaste
mustache wax (never touch the stuff, but it got in there anyway)
three turkey feathers
assorted lego blocks